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Directions To Trancemission 21

- There IS cell phone reception at the campsite (not between the Chehalis Store and the campground though).

- Camp Cove is about a 2-2.5hr drive from Vancouver. Click here for map: Google Map Link

- When you get to the Chehalis Store & Gas Station (on the map it's called Sts'ailes Store & Gas Bar), continue past it on Morris Valley Road (FYI - the store is open from 7am-9pm daily). From the store, it's a couple kms of paved road to the FSR, then 8km of packed gravel. At around the 8km marker, you will see some helium balloons and a sign on the right for the turn off to Camp Cove.

- This is what the store looks like: Chehalis Store

- There's a gate at the top of the access road leading into the campsite. The gravel does turn quite big and loose, so you will need to drive slow. It does seem fine for smaller cars to drive down.

- Please click T21-Site-Map to see the layout of the camping and parking.

- There is a designated camping area, as well as camping all along the beach.